“Understanding Podemos (1/3): 15-M & counter-politics”, por Lukestobart


One of the most inspiring political events internationally this year has been the meteoric rise of Spain’s Podemos — the new radical “citizens’ movement” (party). The facts speak for themselves. Despite only being created in January and having a crowd-funded electoral budget of just €150,000, Podemos obtained 1.2 million votes and five seats in the May European Parliament elections (the day referred to as “25-M” in Spain).

Subsequently it became the target of a wild (and desperate) campaign against it in the mainstream media, including attempts by leading politicians to link it with the Basque terrorist group ETA and the other usual “bêtes noires” of Spanish society — Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, etc. The counter-reaction has been an abject failure, particularly as Podemos representatives have deftly used their media exposure to talk exclusively about the social changes they plan to make — leaving their adversaries to look down and suddenly realise they are entering free fall like a Warner Brothers cartoon character, suspended in mid-air after running off a cliff. Astoundingly a new El País survey has put Podemos in the lead, and it is way ahead of the other parties in terms of first preferences (although a combination of misinformation and tactical voting may complicate an actual victory, and a growing counter-offensive is developing from PSOE (the Socialist party), the new King and others spearheading an attempt to counter Podemos by attempting the “regeneration” of institutional politics through constitutional reform and anti-corruption measures). Podemos’s membership is also growing — in the last two weeks by over 70 per cent in Andalusia.

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Uma opinião sobre ““Understanding Podemos (1/3): 15-M & counter-politics”, por Lukestobart

  1. Vivemos um tempo de luta social e desordem política as lutas nas esferas da produção/ reprodução social testam os limites das sociedade/natureza/cultura uma pequena minoria
    assumiu o controlo privado da economia do estado e da democracia – os novos fascismos e terrorismos e a criminalização do protesto social estão a transformar o capitalismo numa luta de todos contra todos – o populismo contra a política serve bem um por cento da casta que incentiva o espectáculo mediático ameaçado pelas hordas de devedores que prometem fazê-lo ruir – para a catástrofe basta um pequeno nada e eles estão com medo muito medo.

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